Search Results for "muscle session"


Once Upon A Time (Part 4) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Jessie and Travis' relationship continues to bloom, as do the further adventures of Countess Elenore, at the sensual insistance of a muscle-lusting Jessie! Willing to do anything to please his true love, Travis continues with his classic series, as a new character, based on his Amazonian girlfriend, makes her way into his increasingly sexy story! In reality, things get even hotter for this young couple, especially when Jessie decides to treat Travis to a sexual muscle session to top them all - one which includes some old "friends", and a very possible new lover, that in the end leaves even this unstoppable supergirl erotically quenched to exhaustion!

Jessie Travis relationship adventures Countess Elenore muscle-lusting true love classic series Amazonian girlfriend sexy story young couple sexual muscle session friends new lover supergirl erotically quenched exhaustion

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Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client - PDF

Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Nivilis)

When the hottest Mom on the block (make that Any block) does sexy muscle sessions, it's no surprise at how extensive her clientele is, so much so it's hard for even her to keep track! Though imagine her surprise when she greets her latest (and newest) client, only to find out he's her son's best friend! Stunned to see him before her, though the professional that she is, she invites him in, and after a bit of discussion where he confesses his adoration of her ultra muscular physique for many years now, the gorgeous Amazon decides to make due with her commitment and continue with this session - though just this one. Of course once may be all that this 18 year old could handle, as she shows off her muscle packed form in a variety of strong and sexy ways, for him as well as on him! So enthralled does he become that he just can't "control" himself in the end, though around such a woman as she, Who Could?!? Nivilis adds her Unreal illustrations to this original story!

hottest Mom sexy muscle sessions clientele surprise son's best friend professional adoration ultra muscular physique Amazon commitment session 18 year old muscle packed form strong sexy enthralled control woman Unreal illustrations

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Dying Wish (Part 4) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 4)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

Mercy and Adam finally return home, after their world-wide vacation - though she can't help but notice his vastly deteriorating health, which breaks her heart and soul! The following day, Adam approaches her with a final request, one that she cannot refuse, even if he means leading him to his last breaths! One last sexually charged muscle session between then, one that contains several sexy lifts and crushing holds from the powerful muscular woman, and concludes with him lifelessly held in her emotionally quivering arms! A CGI artist extraordinaire rainbowscriber illustrates the final chapter of this story!

Mercy Adam return home world-wide vacation deteriorating health heart soul final request leading last breaths sexually charged muscle session sexy lifts crushing holds powerful muscular woman lifelessly held emotionally quivering arms CGI artist extraordinaire rainbowscriber final chapter story

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